Daily Journal Prompts July 30-August 5


  1. What are three kind things you can say to yourself today? How do you feel when you say these words? How do you feel when you write them?
  2. What is the landscape of your imagination? What does it look like there? Feel like? Smell like, etc.? How do you feel when you are fully connected to your imagination?
  3. What are the current limitations in your life? How would your life be without those limitations? What could you do right now to experience that life despite those limitations?
  4. What are your core values and/or beliefs? Is anything/anyone challenging an aspect of those beliefs? What might be the outcome if you chose to consider something that challenges those beliefs? 
  5. Consider this quote from William James: “Act as if what you do matters. It does.” How does what you do matter? 
  6. Find a favorite photo of someone you love, or of a particular moment in time that you treasure. Alternatively, select an object that has special value for you, because it reminds you of a beloved person or moment. Give yourself time to study the photo or hold the object, and let memories return to you. Engage as many of the five senses as you can while you do this. Try writing about that particular person, experience, or moment for at least 20 minutes.
  7. Listen to a piece of music that transports you. As you listen from beginning to end, let thoughts, memories, emotions, and impressions enter your imagination. Next try writing about whatever comes to mind. The music is your leaping off point; let it transport you on the page as well as in your mind. 
Thanks to everyone who contributed to the prompts list this week! 

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