Daily Journal Prompts June 18-June 24
Remember as you play with these prompts to use as many of your five senses as possible. The more specific you get about how a place smelled, sounded, tasted, etc., the deeper you will be able to dive into your thoughts, memories, and emotions.
Each of these prompts is simply a jumping off point. Feel free to let your mind wander and take you where it will!
See the page entitled "Tips for Mindful Journaling" for help getting started.
1. A specific memory (good, bad, happy, sad, complicated--whatever comes to mind) from childhood that still impacts my everyday life now. Why does it still resonate so much for me in this moment?
2. My favorite place. What, specifically, makes me love this place? How does it feel to be in my body when I am there? How do I feel about myself and my life when I am there? How are these feelings different from those I have in other places?
3. What is something I have lost recently? What is something I have gained? Do the two have anything to do with each other? If so, what?
4. What thing/goal/dream in my life feels just beyond my reach? What makes it feel this way? Could it ever be within reach?
5. The hands of someone I love. How can I describe them using as many of my senses as possible? If I think of this person, what are they doing with their hands? What do their hands reveal about them?
6. What thing(s) am I angry about in my life? How do I feel about this anger? Where do I hold it inside my body? What do I do with it? How angry am I allowed to feel?
7. What is one aspect of myself that I have a hard time accepting? What is it about this aspect, specifically, that is difficult to accept? If it were an aspect of someone I admire, would it be easier to accept?