Daily Journal Prompts July 16-22
- Do I show myself the same grace that I give to others? If so, in what ways? If not, what would happen if I did?
- What was one moment this week when I suddenly understood something I hadn’t understood before? What did I understand? What helped me to understand it? How is this new understanding impacting me?
- What challenge am I grateful for today? Why?
- What blessing am I grateful for? In what ways can I nurture and spread this blessing?
- What did I do when I was facing a struggle this week? Did I tackle the challenge on my own or seek help? What were the results?
- Imagine a “future memory”—one specific day that fills you with joy. Where are you? With whom? What are you doing? Go there as fully as possible in your mind. What does that day taste like? What color is it? What do you hear? Feel. Describe it to yourself in as much detail as you can. Try to make it come to life on the page as vividly as an actual past memory.
- Try filling in the following blanks, and then write for five to ten minutes about how your responses make you feel: “In this moment, I am__________. In this moment, I can__________. In this moment, I can’t ________. In this moment, I want _________. In this moment, I will__________.”